amf Consult
Customers First

SERVICES • Beratung, mit Ziel!

It can turn to the good


 Our Consulting Approach — „The 5-Step-Enablement(tm) Approach“

Having acquired our expertise from projects in different industries/branches, cultures, organization sizes, and technologies there was always one common theme we were facing: „the ability to learn, reflect, and understand complexities and your challenges coming with and from it“.

Who are you?

  • You are perfect fit for your challenge on stake — you feel empowered and very knowledgeable on what you need to do.
  • You are fully integrated and respected decision maker — you may feel a kind of organizational blindness and uncomfortable to lead such disruptive and likely risky initiative.
  • You are over loaded with operational responsibilities — you may feel not having enough time to rapidly learn and apply new approaches and ways of working.
  • You are new in your role or organization — you feel excited but also uncertain about the level of support and backing from your management.
  • You are senior and with your organization since decades — you have seen failing such challenges so many times and mentally given up your believe into easy success and long-term change ability.
  • You took over an already ongoing “mess” — you feel you need somebody to help with clearing up to move forward and get back on track.

    We could expand on the list above but you got already the message from it:
    „starting situation and success is a very individual thing” and so you wish a consulting approach to be. 

    We love to work together with People!

    The 5-Step-Enablement(tm) consulting approach we developed over years kicks in perfect well to guide you to your success regardless which start situation applies to you. Because our approach comes with a bottom line promise — „customer first“ —it is based on the ability to adapt.

    Step 1: Learn 

    We learn your situation and listen to what you have in mind or on your plate

    • most essential phase to create a robust level of trust between you and us
    • Your opportunity to challenge us and our expertise and see cultural fit

      Step 2: Analysis 

      We go deep into your as-is processes or progress of implementation to identify potentials and risks

      • Identify improvement and streamlining opportunities, project risks, as well as key stakeholders
      • Derive business value definition with you and your stakeholders
      • Link your efforts to your key business strategy definitions

        Step 3: Define

        We develop and specify to-be scenarios and let you decide priorities

        • Here is to share our expertise with you in order to accelerate your understanding of the challenges and benefits
        • Enable your informed decision making, scoping, and prioritization as well as
        • Chrystal clear communications to all hierarchy levels the benefits and key obstacles to be addressed

          Step 4: Implement

          Hands-on implementation and roll-out advice on best practices and support for selected or scoped scenarios

          • Define with you project methodology, development, testing, and deployment
          • Support you setting up, executing, and govern your key implementation activities and tasks
          • Liaise with your key stakeholder areas and help integrate these at right point in time
          • Help you to organize your efforts, report status, get others informed and involved, and so keep you on top of things

            Step 5: Ensure

            Support your organizational Change Management initiatives and Measure your achieved Success levels

            • Transfer knowledge and support you build your expertise communities
            • Consult you on identifying your key business transformation steps and risks
            • Help you identify how to define and measure your key performance indicators (KPI) and communicate success measures. 

            You want to learn more about our approach - please contact us.


            challenges can have many faces
